Translation: for Flute . For Flute, Piano. 1892-1974. Editions Durand. 18 pages.
Translation: For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn. Horn sheet music. Oboe sheet music. For Woodwind Quintet.
Translation: Darius Milhaud's Sonatine for Flute and Piano.
Translation: Concert. For flute, violin and piano. Piano sheet music. Violin sheet music. Concert.
Translation: Farewell. Cantata for Voice, Flute, Viola and Harp - Sample In Season In Hell -. Composed by Darius Milhaud. Harp sheet music.
Translation: Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Piano, Op. 47 composed by Darius Milhaud. Oboe sheet music. Editions Durand. 62 pages.
Translation: Entertainment 3 Games - Fl. For flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn. Basson. Bassoon sheet music.
Translation: Douglas Townsend. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Bassoon sheet music. Cello sheet music. Clarinet sheet music. Oboe sheet music.
Translation: Igor Stravinsky. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8. Composed by Igor Stravinsky. 1882-1971. and Bela Bartok.
Translation: Igor Stravinsky. Bassoon Solo sheet music. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8. Composed by Igor Stravinsky. 1882-1971.
Translation: Igor Stravinsky. Clarinet sheet music. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8. Composed by Igor Stravinsky. 1882-1971.
Translation: Igor Stravinsky. Euphonium sheet music. Trombone sheet music. Tuba sheet music. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8.
Translation: Igor Stravinsky. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8. Composed by Igor Stravinsky. 1882-1971.
Translation: Igor Stravinsky. Double Bass sheet music. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8. Composed by Igor Stravinsky. 1882-1971.
Translation: Igor Stravinsky. Horn sheet music. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8. Composed by Igor Stravinsky. 1882-1971.
Translation: Violet. Igor Stravinsky. Violet. The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library, Volume 8. Composed by Igor Stravinsky. 1882-1971. and Bela Bartok.