Translation: Mass ST Peter the Apostle. Lamb of God. Main sheet music.
Translation: Mass of St Peter the Apostle. Glory to God. Main sheet music.
Translation: Glory. Creed. Sanctus. Acclamation. Anamnesis.
Translation: Mass of the way to God. Choral a cappella. Main sheet music.
Translation: Mass of the way to God. Output. Choral a cappella. Main sheet music.
Translation: Mass of the way to God. Lamb of God. Main sheet music.
Translation: Mass of the way to God.
Translation: Mass of the way to God. Creed. Main sheet music.
Translation: Mass of the way to God. Universal Prayer.
Translation: Mass of the way to God. Hallelujah Amen. Gospel Acclamation. Main sheet music.
Translation: Mass of the way to God. Holy Lord. Main sheet music.
Translation: 2 recorders, 4-part strings & bc. Sacred , Mass for the First Mass of Christmas. SATB , with sections for Choral ATB soli & Choral SS soli.
Translation: Messe de Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu. Messe de l'Epiphanie du Seigneur. Messe du Baptême du Seigneur.
Translation: 02 Mezzo-Sopranos, Alto, Tenor and Bass. Main sheet music. M.L ALLELUIA. M.L GLORIA. M.L SANCTUS. M.L ANAMNESE.