Translation: Language. English. SATB and SS Soloists.
Translation: No. 4 - All ye that cried unto the Lord. No. 5 - I waited for the Lord. complete.
Translation: From the Cantata 'Hymn Of Praise'. For 2 Soprano Soloists, SATB Chorus and Organ.
Translation: Duet and Chorus from The Hymn of Praise. For 2 Solo Sopranos, SATB Chorus and Piano. PFA. ORGA.
Translation: Mendelssohn's I Waited For The Lord. - 2 Part. Sheet Music. 2-Part Choir, Piano Accompaniment.
Translation: Plan. PF. --.
Translation: for Parish Choir. High. Soprano. Only 1 Soprano. Soprano 2 Only.
Translation: , No. 6 from Symphony No. 2 in B-flat Major "Hymn of Praise", Op. 52 Sheet Music by Felix Mendelssohn. Four-part Mixed Chorus. Plan.
Translation: Mendelssohn 'I Waited For The Lord' arranged for 2 part and piano by H.Geehl.
Translation: Its.
Translation: Novato Music Press. Voice. Plan.
Translation: Soprano. Duet. , Piano Accompaniment. SOP. PFA.