Translation: Martinus, who did mild man. New teutsche secular Madrigalia and ballets. Version transposed down a major second.
Translation: Martinus, who did mild man. New teutsche secular Madrigalia and ballets. Steffens, Johann.
Translation: Martinus, who did mild man. New teutsche secular Madrigalia and ballets. Version transposed down a major second. Steffens, Johann.
Translation: Martinus, who did mild man. New teutsche secular Madrigalia and ballets. Original version. Steffens, Johann.
Translation: "Madrigal Sonata" for flute, violin and piano, score and parts tools. B. Martinu.
Translation: Mount Of 3 Lights TB chorus part composed by Bohuslav Martinu. Издания Durand. Published by Editions Durand.
Translation: Chamber work for Piano, Flute and Violin.
Translation: An optional part for Viola that can be used in place of Cello is included in this edition. Violet. FLT. VLC.