Translation: Plan.
Translation: Mozart's Regina Coeli , K. 276, is a Marian antiphon, a type of liturgical chant common in the Gregorian repertory.
Translation: ORG. PF. SATB.
Translation: Magnificat.
Translation: 'Litaniae Lauretanae', or 'Litany of Loreto', is a 13th Century in honour of the Virgin Mary. HIGH. BASS.
Translation: Cello. VLC.
Translation: Duet. TPT. Double Act is a collection of duets, where the accent is on playing for pleasure.
Translation: Album Solos. Saxophone solo. Sheet Music. Saxophone. Works by. for solo saxophone.
Translation: Nancy. Nancy Faber. Randall Faber.
Translation: These selections have been carefully arranged by Mary Sallee for Easy Piano, making them accessible to pianists of all ages. Plan.
Translation: Discover Music I - Introduction.
Translation: I Discover La Clé De Sol and Fa - Volume 2.