Translation: New summary treatise on the art of singing.
Translation: School Garcia.
Translation: Junior Garcia, Manuel. Junior Garcia, Manuel. French. German. Volume 2. French. German.
Translation: Junior Garcia, Manuel. Junior Garcia, Manuel. Main sheet music.
Translation: Junior Garcia, Manuel. Junior Garcia, Manuel.
Translation: Tenor Voice - Aria - " Manuel Garcia Maera ". - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Singer Pro. Voice, range. Eb3-Ab4.
Translation: Chart de la petenera. Obras para voz y piano sobre poesias de Federico Garcia Lorca. Voice Solo sheet music. Chart de la petenera.
Translation: Master of bel canto and composer. Master of bel canto and songwriter composed by James Radomsky.
Translation: The work was written at a time when it seemed that maybe the final resting place of Federico Garcia-Lorca would be found.
Translation: 3 Love Songs. Three love songs for four mixed voices on texts by F. Garcia Lorca. Prelude. 3 Love Songs.
Translation: Four mixed voices on texts by F. Garcia Lorca. Jockey Lyrics. It is true. Choir sheet music. Jockey Lyrics. It is true.
Translation: Bass Clarinet sheet music. Three Miniatures by Mozart composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. For clarinet quartet. B-flat clarinet 1.