Translation: Solero. English.
Translation: Co-written by Shaina Twain and R.J. Lange, this country shuffle slice of pop is sure to have audiences enraptured. PFA.
Translation: A man is a two-face, a worrisome thing who'll leave you to sing the blues in the night. My Mama Done Tol' Me. Harold Arlen.
Translation: man. Frederick Loewe. Camelot. Alan Jay Lerner. Chappell. Lead Sheet. Solero. English.
Translation: B.B. King , Dave Clark. Hal Leonard , Universal. 0-7579-0169-7. Lead Sheet.
Translation: Nobody knows when it all began, this kind of trouble between a woman and man.
Translation: Hudson Whittaker. Hal Leonard , Universal. 0-7579-0169-7. Solero. Lead Sheet. There's two kinds of people that I just can't stand.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Leadsheet. Melody. Chords. Voice, range. Eb4-Eb5. C Instrument.
Translation: There is a time when a man needs somebody to talk to. - Digital Sheet Music. Leadsheet. Lyrics. Melody. Chords. B4-D6.
Translation: - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Vocal. Singer Pro.