Translation: Moerike, Eduard.
Translation: First part for mixed choir. Moerike Chorliederbuch, Op.19.
Translation: Moerike songs.
Translation: For the New Year. Moerike songs.
Translation: Holy Week. Moerike songs.
Translation: Sleeping Christ Child. Moerike songs.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Mixed choir. Choral Score. Published by Edition Tonger. E4.T2728-1. ISBN M-005-27281-6. SingPartitur.
Translation: Three songs on texts by Eduard Morike. Three Songs to texts by Eduard Morike composed by Pauline Viardot-Garcia.
Translation: Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Output for deeper voice in 4 bands. Composed by Hugo Wolf. 1860-1903.
Translation: Gedichte von Eduard Morike Band 4 Nr. 43-53. Gedichte von Eduard Morike Band 4 Nr. 43-53. Composed by Hugo Wolf.