Translation: Walking trumpets opera Theseus, Act 1. Harpsichord Pieces from the Manuscrit de Mademoiselle de La Pierre.
Translation: Walk to Fight Barriere. Horn in F. Trombone. Tuba.
Translation: Two Marches composed by Jean-Baptiste Lully. For 2 C Trumpets, 1 F Horn, 1 Trombone, 1 C Tuba.
Translation: Two Marches - Brass Quintet composed by Jean-Baptiste Lully. 2 C trumpets 1 f horn 1 trombone 1 C Tuba.
Translation: Fanfare Et Marche Guerriere composed by Jean-Baptiste Lully. Trombone sheet music. 1632-1687. Arranged by Jean Thilde.
Translation: B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. For Organ,Trumpet,Timpani. Organ sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Timpani sheet music.
Translation: On Black Musketeers With Battery Fanfare. On Black Musketeers With Battery Fanfare composed by Jean-Baptiste Lully. Horn sheet music.
Translation: Trumpet Finale From Sonata Vi For Trumpet - Gabrieli. Trumpet Tune And Ayre From Harpsichord Pieces - Clarke.
Translation: March from Scipio. Peter Wastall. Learn as You Play composed by Peter Wastall. 1932-2003. Boosey .
Translation: Trumpet Voluntary. March Gay. Trumpet Tune. Heroic March. Trumpet Voluntary. March Gay.
Translation: King Cotton March. Liberty Bell March. March. March in D Major. March Of The Dwarfs.