Translation: E lui. Luci vezzose. Se Florindo E Fedele. High Air Album. Version 2.0. Various. Alto Voice sheet music.
Translation: Fors' e lui. Luci vezzose. Se Florindo E Fedele. Version 2.0. Various. Soprano Voice sheet music. Version 2.0.
Translation: Luci vezzose, e belle. The Complete Five Voice Madrigals Volume 2. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. 1582-1643.
Translation: Old Masters of the Bel Canto Vol.3. Alto Voice sheet music. Mezzo-Soprano Voice sheet music. Soprano Voice sheet music. Alto Voice.
Translation: High Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. High Voice and Piano. Edited by Knud Jeppesen. High Voice.