Translation: Eventually it should become well-known and loved throughout the United States. Language. English. Unison.
Translation: , is a setting of excerpts from United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture. A Girl Born in Afghanistan.
Translation: Auden had remarked that the text for The Shepherd's Carol should be set as either 'jazz or Folk-song'. Benjamin Britten. 1944.
Translation: TCW materials are piloted through the Utah State University Youth Conservatory, a music preparatory program for community children.
Translation: This commission from Mayflower United Church of Christ came with an exciting and irresitable mission.
Translation: Commissioned by Mayflower United Church of Christ. Who lives.
Translation: The romantic style reflects the emotions expressed in a letter to loved ones back home. Tom Gerou. Piano Solo sheet music.
Translation: Notes are presented on the keyboard, on the staff and as simple note names on separate cards for students to match up.
Translation: Includes instructions for establishing a successful incentive program, plus all the "cash" teachers need to begin.
Translation: From the beginning, God's plan included living the life of faith and worshiping in the context of community. Prayer For Unity.