Translation: CCR - Long As I Can See The Light. Guitar Anthology Plus (pdf, mp3).
Translation: Lyrics. with Chord Boxes.
Translation: TAB. --.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Right-Hand Melody. --.
Translation: Long As I Can See The Light by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Guitar sheet music.
Translation: Long As I Can See The Light by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Pop. Rock. GTRCHD. 2 pages.
Translation: Put a candle in the window, because I feel I've got to move. Creedence Clearwater Revival. Hal Leonard. English. Vocal.
Translation: Creedence Clearwater Revival. Hal Leonard. 0-89898-156-5. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Creedence Clearwater Revival. Hal Leonard. Legacy. Guitar Tab..
Translation: Creedence Clearwater Revival. Hal Leonard. Legacy. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: I'll Remember April. It Might as Well Be Spring. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive. Till The End Of Time.
Translation: simple enough for the beginner, but accurate chords and melody lines are maintained. Gone With The Wind.