Translation: 12 songs by Franz Schubert, S.558.
Translation: Faith in Spring. 12 songs by Franz Schubert, S.558.
Translation: You are my rest. 12 songs by Franz Schubert, S.558.
Translation: On the water to sing. 12 songs by Franz Schubert, S.558. Piano Scores.
Translation: 12 songs by Franz Schubert, S.558. For Violin, Double Bass and Piano. Ellens dritter Gesang. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: 12 songs by Franz Schubert, S.558. Selections. Piano Scores.
Translation: You are rest. 12 songs by Franz Schubert, S.558.
Translation: 12 songs by Franz Schubert.
Translation: Faith in Spring. 12 songs by Franz Schubert. Scores. Dana, Ruth.
Translation: 12 songs by Franz Schubert. Scores. Dana, Ruth.
Translation: On the water to sing. 12 songs by Franz Schubert.