Translation: Here is a note by Mick Swithinbank on this rather obscure text.
Translation: Mambo Shades And Lille Song. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Classical Guitar sheet music. For guitar. Classical. Grade 3. Score.
Translation: Den Lille Napolean is a collection of four songs, composed by Danish composer Erik Fiehn , for Voice and Piano. Plan.
Translation: Jens Johansen.
Translation: Villemand Og Hans Væne Brud - og andre middelalderviser - a collection of Danish songs from the Medieval period. Melody Line, Lyrics.
Translation: Two Pieces for Trombone . Edouard Lalo. Trombone sheet music. Advanced. Two Pieces for Trombone & Piano composed by Edouard Lalo. 1823-1892.
Translation: Lalo's earliest surviving compositions are songs and chamber works. Advanced. 1823-1892. Arranged by Ralph Sauer.
Translation: is a collection printed in 1989, consisting of earlier songs in new versions. Mit løv, mit lille træ - Vedis Vuggevise. Voice.
Translation: Sacred Swedish choral music. Edited by Jan Yngwe. For mixed choir. PraiSing. 15 motets and choir sets of nine composers.
Translation: Two Pieces for Euphonium. Edouard Lalo. Euphonium sheet music. Advanced. Two Pieces for Euphonium & Piano composed by Edouard Lalo.
Translation: Fuzzy is the pianist. The CD includes.
Translation: The Boosey . Sad folk songs from Suite Paysanne Hungarian. Flute Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. The Boosey .
Translation: Kjaere lille gutten min, "Norge". Lille hjertevenn' min, "Tyskland". Lille venn, "Mongolia". Den forste song.
Translation: Evening Song.
Translation: A simple song. Evening Song FYR the Fallows. Good-night Song for Dobbin. A Poet's Song. ClŠrchens song.