Translation: His Eye Is on the Sparrow, How Great Thou Art, Just a Closer Walk With Thee, Precious Lord, Take My Hand, and more.
Translation: A Ram Sam Sam. A-Rovin'. Ain't You Got a Right. Alexander's Ragtime Band. Amelia Earhart's Last Flight.
Translation: Just a Little Talk with Jesus. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Try A Little Kindness.
Translation: Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. A-Rovin'. Ain't You Got a Right.
Translation: All God's Children. America, the Beautiful. Calvary Covers It All. The Cloud He's Comin' Back On.
Translation: Perfect for children's services, camps, or just for home use, this big collection features over 300 songs in lead sheet format.