Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions. Handel, George Frideric.
Translation: Lift up your hands, GWV 1174.
Translation: Lift Up Your Hands in the Sanctuary composed by Harold Owen. Sacred. Eighth. 8 pages. GI.G-2790.
Translation: EMI Christian Music Publishing. English. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords. Praise ye the Lord, all ye people of the Lord.
Translation: use singing to bring people together once again in your neighborhood, home, church, camp, school, club or activity. , Vol. 1.
Translation: Choir sheet music. Beginning. Guitar Hymnal composed by William Bay. For Guitar. Saddle-stitched, SongBook. Sacred.
Translation: Come And Get Your Love. Don't Pull Your Love. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. How Deep Is Your Love.
Translation: Pick Up The Pieces. Get Up. Do Your Thing. I'll Be Your Shelter. Wrap It Up. Various.
Translation: The sooner kids start learning to lift up the name of Jesus, the better. Lord, I Lift Your Name on High.
Translation: Arranged by Jay Rouse and Paul Mills. Integrity Choral. Целостность.
Translation: Is There Room In Your Heart. Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart. Love Lifted Me. My Faith Looks Up To Thee.
Translation: Choral Book. Marty Hamby. Choir sheet music. Intermediate.
Translation: Love Lifted Me. Take My Hand. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus. When I Wake Up To Wake No More. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Country . Lord, Keep Your Hand On Me. Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul. Reflection Of Your Love.
Translation: Clap Your Hands. How Majestic Is Your Name. I'm Yours Lord. Lift Him Up. Love Lifted Me.
Translation: Your Love Compels Me. Your Servant, Lord. Let Your Heart Be Broken. This Pair of Hands. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Ps.121 Lifting my eyes up to the hills. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1910-.