Translation: E-Z Играть Сегодня. My Eyes Adored You. Angel Eyes. My Liberty Belle. I'm Yours. I've Got My Eyes On You.
Translation: Count Your Blessings. Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul. He's As Close As Mention Of Name. The Statue Of Liberty.
Translation: The Gobby O Jig, Aka Jefferson And Liberty. Brightest Eyes' Reel. Eyes Right Reel. Close To The Floor Jig.
Translation: Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground. Baby I Need Your Lovin'. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes.
Translation: Look Over Your Shoulder. For Your Love. If I Were Your Woman. My Eyes Adored You. Angel Eyes.
Translation: Turn Your Radio On. He's As Close As The Mention Of His Name. Let Me Live Close To Thee. Statue Of Liberty.
Translation: Angel Eyes. Baby I Need Your Lovin'. Be Kind To Your Parents. My Liberty Belle. Blue Eyes.