Translation: Vianini, John.
Translation: Language. SATB. De dominica quadragesima.
Translation: Language. English. SATB. A setting of Psalm 1 in the metrical Old Version. text by Thomas Sternhold.
Translation: Verses 1,3 and 5 have been set. Verses 2 and 4 to be sung in plainchant.
Translation: The general congregation. sometimes divided into men and women. should sing the Air, accompanying harmonies to be taken by the choir.
Translation: SATB.
Translation: Language. English. SATB.
Translation: Keyboard. 87. 87. 87. Language. English. SATB.
Translation: English. SATB.
Translation: Strings.
Translation: Other woodwinds.
Translation: This is the Sequence and is used also during the Mass in the 15th September and as the anthem of Lent.
Translation: Very nice and profound song of the Lent. Language. Latin. SATB.