Translation: in the USA, Germany, Canada, Brazil, the UK and Australia among others. English. SATB. Written in 2004, "The Wheel Of The Year.
Translation: Language. English. The work is suitable for a cappella performance, OR piano accompaniment, OR harpsichord, OR guitar OR lute.
Translation: may be replaced with keyboard on appropriate alternative sound setting. Many Pagan traditions.
Translation: In composing this piece I’ve tried to write simply, and to make the piece more readily performable than some of my other works.
Translation: from Legally Blonde 2.
Translation: from Glee. By Bill Withers and Glee Cast. Edited by Roger Emerson. Arranged by Adam Anders. For Choral. SATB.
Translation: from Glee. By Bill Withers and Glee Cast. Edited by Roger Emerson. Arranged by Adam Anders. For Choral. SSA.