Translation: Cello Solo sheet music. Arranged For Solo Cello And String Orchestra. Composed by Astor Piazzolla. 1921-1992. Arranged by Paul Salerni.
Translation: For violin, viola, double bass. Astor Piazzolla. Double Bass sheet music. Viola sheet music. Berben #514-05510.
Translation: For violin, piano. Astor Piazzolla. Piano sheet music. 1921-1992. Arranged by Yukie Smith. This edition.
Translation: For violin and piano. Tango. Tango. Astor Piazzolla. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1921-1992. Standard notation.
Translation: Cello Solo sheet music. Double Bass sheet music. Arrangedfor Solo Cello and String Orchestra. Composed by Astor Piazzolla. 1921-1992.
Translation: For Piano, Violin, Cello. Astor Piazzolla. Cello sheet music. Piano sheet music. Standard notation. Berben #514-03160.
Translation: For Solo Viola, Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello, Contrabass, Piano. Double Bass sheet music.
Translation: Souvenirs, Book 2 - Le Zuyderzee, Op. 20. Le Tournoi, Op. 15. The Carnival of Venice, Grand Variations.
Translation: Le Bar de l'escadrille. Le Chant du gardian. Le Grand Charles. Le Gros Bill. My heart is a violin.
Translation: Soul violins. The Grand Cafe Cashier. Le Chat Noir. Le Cucurbitacee. Le Dénicheur. The Last Tango.