Translation: Composed by Klose-Lazarus. For Clarinet. A Comprehensive Course Based on Two Famous Methods. Arranged by Harvey S. Whistler.
Translation: An up-dated edition of the famous original tutor by Professor Henry Lazarus.
Translation: These three pieces for clarinet and piano were first performed at Cheltenham Festival, 1964, by Keith Puddy and Vivian Troon. CLT.
Translation: Method for Clarinet-Pt. II composed by Henry Lazarus. H. Lazarus Method For Clarinet. Classical. Softcover.
Translation: Метод для кларнета. Метод для кларнета. Student book. Standard notation. 434 pages.
Translation: Oboe sheet music. Piano sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violin sheet music. Intermediate.
Translation: Harold W. Rusch. Composed by Harold W. Rusch. Concert Band Method. 56 pages.
Translation: Composed by Harold W. Rusch. 56 pages. Published by Hal Leonard.
Translation: For Bb Clarinet solo and Piano. The Must-Haves for Clarinet. A must-have for Clarinet. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.
Translation: Andante. transcribed by the composer in 1892 for the clarinettist Henry Lazarus. Andante. Winds and Piano. and piano.
Translation: The clarinet obligato is printed on a separate insert, which is also included.
Translation: The Feast of Lights for violin, clarinet, cello and piano composed by David Warin Solomons. David Warin Solomons. Cello sheet music.