Translation: Caplet, André. The mirror of Jesus. Mezzo-soprano. female chorus. strings. and harp. Modern. Sacred cantatas. Cantatas. Religious ...
Translation: Derecskei, András. A Tear in the Mirror. 3 Cellos. Modern. Pieces. For 3 cellos. Scores featuring the cello. Scores featuring stri ...
Translation: Derecskei, András. A Tear in the Mirror. 3 Cellos. Modern.
Translation: Scherperel, Michael Bruce. On Hearing of Love. Full Scores. baritone voice + 2 violins. purple. cello. Modern.
Translation: Naddei, Sergio. The mirror of things. Flute. Cello and Piano. Modern. Pieces. For flute, cello, piano. Scores featuring the flute. ...
Translation: Plante, Cyril. Suite No.2 for Violin and Cello, Op.140. 1 violin. 1 cello. Romantic. Suites. For violin, cello. Scores featuring t ...
Translation: 188. Mirror and the game of 5 balls /2nd \u0026 3rd Part of "In Grand Mother's Attic" by Krzysztof Dobosiewicz Concert, Modern Cla ...
Translation: 139. Mirror Image by Gerry Kennedy Concert, Other, , 2 minutes, .
Translation: 26. Mirror by Liyan Yardimli Concert, Modern Classical, solo instrument, 2 minutes, .
Translation: 316. Mirror Mymphony by Ben Kelly Concert, Modern Classical, mixed ensemble, 4 minutes, .
Translation: 37. The Lord of the Smoking Mirror by Thomas M A Barlow Concert, Modern Classical, orchestra, 28 minutes, .
Translation: 60. Mirror Fairy Tale by Byron Martin Concert, Modern Classical, piano \u0026 vocal, 3 minutes, .
Translation: 271. The Mirror by David Sims Concert, Pop \u0026 Rock, mixed ensemble, 4 minutes, .
Translation: 248. Serial Mirror by David Braund Concert, Modern Classical, solo instrument, 2 minutes, .
Translation: 89. Piano Book 157 (In the mirror) by Joachim Johow Concert, Modern Classical, solo instrument, 2 minutes, .
Translation: my mirror.
Translation: Bach, JS. mirror.