Translation: Elephant. Carnival of the Animals. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Saint-Saëns, Camille.
Translation: Elephant for clarinet and piano. 1er mvt Elephant Piano. 2 mvt Elephant Cl B. 3 mvt Elephant Cl B.
Translation: The Elephant and the Doll, Alto or Tenor. The Elephant and the Doll, Alto or Tenor composed by Alain Crepin. Beginning.
Translation: Danse de l'elephant, Ut ou Sib composed by Michel Del Giudice. Published by Editions Robert Martin. RM.1719.
Translation: Camille Saint-Saens. For bass. or cello. plan. Romantic. French. Score .
Translation: For cello or bass and piano. Camille Saint-Saens. Cello sheet music. Double Bass sheet music. from Carnival of the Animals.
Translation: Camille Saint-Saens' L'Elephant from Carnival Of The Animals. VLC. PFA. Camille Saint-Saëns.
Translation: For piano. Christian Manen. Intermediate. Classical. Intermediate. Score. 3 pages. Published by Editions Combre.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Piano - Music for Little Mozarts. Christine H. Barden. Method.
Translation: Summy Birchard, Inc.. Plan. Solero.
Translation: Music for Little Mozarts - Recital Book 4 composed by Christine H. Barden, Gayle Kowalchyk, and E. L. Lancaster. Christine H. Barden.
Translation: Piano - Music for Little Mozarts. Mister Elephant's Funky Dance. Christine H. Barden. Big Note.
Translation: Plush Toy -- Elgar E. Elephant composed by Christine H. Barden, Gayle Kowalchyk, and E. L. Lancaster. For Piano.
Translation: A Piano Course to Bring Out the Music in Every Young Child. Piano - Music for Little Mozarts. forte and piano. Book 1.
Translation: L. van Beethoven. L'Elephant. L' Elephant. This edition. Revised. Method.
Translation: The Carnival of the Animals. The Carnival of the Animals. Camille Saint-Saens. Clarinet sheet music. Flute sheet music.
Translation: The Carnival of the Animals. Carnival of the Animals composed by Camille Saint-Saens. Transcripts. Romantic, Children's, French. Score.