Translation: Ravel, Maurice.
Translation: DE FALLA Kreisler Spanish Dance.
Translation: Three Pieces composed by. 1875-1962. Chaminade, Cecile. 1857-1944.
Translation: Spanish dance. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Spanish dance. Violin and Piano. Composed by Enrique Granados. For Piano, Violin.
Translation: Spanish dance. Violin Solo sheet music. Spanish dance. from La vida breve. Composed by Manuel de Falla. 1876-1946.
Translation: Piano sheet music. composed by.
Translation: and you also play the violin. and you also play the violin. Tells The son of a famous musician and a look behind the scenes. Books.
Translation: Violin Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Intermediate. Original Compositions. Transcripts. Cadenzas for Violin and Piano.
Translation: and several of Kreisler's own compositions, make for great performance pieces. 2 CD Set. Violin sheet music.