Translation: 252. Kyrie Eleison - canon by Nigel Walsh Worship, Modern Classical, choir (with or without keyboard), 1 minute, .
Translation: 303. Goldberg Variations BWV 988 (3 Canons) in Trio style by J.S. Bach , Arr. Robert Lavigne Educational, Classical, solo instrume ...
Translation: 57. Canon # 12 from 12 Canons for 2 Violins by Richard Campanelli Educational, Modern Classical, duet (of the same instrument), 1 ...
Translation: 170. Pachabels canon by Johann Pachabel , Arr. Josh Muir Concert, Classical, solo instrument, 4 minutes, .
Translation: 261. 3 new cats Cat 07 (canon for 3 flutes, piano and bass) by Joachim Johow Concert, Modern Classical, trio (of the same instrume ...
Translation: 300. Canons for Clarinet Duet by Steve Philipp Concert, Modern Classical, duet (of the same instrument), 5 minutes, .
Translation: 329. Grand Canon 70 (Spring canon 3 Fl) by Joachim Johow Concert, Modern Classical, trio (of the same instrument), 1 minute, .
Translation: 69. Canons #15, 71, and 101 by Steve Philipp Concert, Classical, duet (of the same instrument), 2 minutes, .
Translation: 133. Grand Canon 98 (Slow canon) by Joachim Johow Concert, Classical, trio (of the same instrument), 4 minutes, .