Translation: Sven clip. Sven clip. Plan. Upright Bass.
Translation: Sven clip.
Translation: Sven clip. Plan.
Translation: O Jesus, King Most Wonderful composed by Christopher Tye. Christ the King. Ars Antiqua Series. 4 pages.
Translation: Upon the Cross Extended composed by Heinrich Isaac. Palm Sunday, Good Friday. Ars Antiqua Series. Sacred.
Translation: Now Let Us Come before Him composed by Adam Gumpelzhaimer. Sacred. 4 pages. Published by GIA Publications. GI.G-2833.
Translation: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross composed by Johann Staden. Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Ars Antiqua Series.
Translation: 1505-1572. For SATB choir. Ascension. Ars Antiqua Series. Sacred. 4 pages.
Translation: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross composed by Melchior Franck. Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Ars Antiqua Series.
Translation: In Triumph Shouts the Son of God composed by Michael Praetorius. Eastertide, Easter Sunday, Ascension, Christ the King. Ars Antiqua Series.
Translation: World, Farewell, You Cannot Hold Me composed by Johann Rosenmuller. Ars Antiqua Series. Sacred. 8 pages. Published by GIA Publications.
Translation: Call to Remembrance composed by Richard Farrant. Advent, Lent, OT 3 B OT 26 A. Ars Antiqua Series. Easy.
Translation: The Strife Is O'er, the Battle Done composed by Mikolaj Gomolka. Eastertide, Easter Sunday. Ars Antiqua Series. 8 pages.
Translation: Ubers mountains Maria goes. Composed by Johann Eccard. For SSATB choir. Annunciation, Advent.