Translation: The fair.
Translation: If in the evening. The fair. If in the evening. The fair. arranged by Franz Koringer.
Translation: Songs from Hesse. Songs from Hesse. 30 Selected Folk Songs, unanimously Gitarrenbezifferung. Edited by Stiftung Volkslied. guitar. Stapled.
Translation: Gurlitt - Albumleaves for the Young, Opus 101 composed by Cornelius Gurlitt. Edited by Margaret Otwell. Piano Solo. SMP Level 5.
Translation: For Harmonicon. This edition. MH 102090. Saddle-stitch. Accordion Music. 28 pages. Published by Hohner.
Translation: Rattenfangers most beautiful songs. Rattenfangers most beautiful songs. 9 game pieces and 1 for Blockflote Choral and Piano. 1926-. plan.