Translation: The Small Group Worship Kit enables you to transform a Bible study to a full-featured worship experience. Holy is the Lord.
Translation: Here John presents 101 examples that are tailor-made for the strong rhythmic approach inspired by English dance steps and rhythms.
Translation: This outstanding 200-song collection features note-for-note bass transcriptions with tab, straight from the original recordings.
Translation: The Ballad Of John And Yoko. The Promised Land. Blowin' In The Wind. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.
Translation: Songs include All the Things You Are, Donna Lee, 'Round Midnight and many more. Across The Alley From The Alamo.
Translation: The Real Little Ultimate Broadway Fake Book - 5th Edition composed by Various. The Sound of Music.
Translation: Songs include Maple Leaf Rag, Lullaby Of Birdland, All The Things You Are and many more. Ballin' the Jack.
Translation: The Ultimate Jazz Fake Book includes. The styles found in this collection include. The Girl from Ipanema.
Translation: At the Ballet. Beauty and the Beast. Before the Parade Passes By. The Color Purple. The Impossible Dream.
Translation: Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody.
Translation: A fitting tribute to possibly the greatest pop band ever - The Beatles. Back in the U.S.S.R..