Translation: SATTBB. Leanne wrote. The Mona Lisa has always fascinated me, and there is something incredibly sad about the picture for me.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. --.
Translation: Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. For piano, voice and guitar. chords only. Standards. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Hal Leonard. English. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords. Can't run away from you, dear. I've tried so hard, but I fear you'll always follow me.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: English. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: But seriously, this song just keeps coming back. Drums sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.
Translation: Choir sheet music. Loves Me Like a Rock by Paul Simon. By Paul Simon. Arranged by Greg Gilpin. For Choral. SATB. Choral.
Translation: Come back tomorrow night, try it again. You said you love me and you can't come in. Sony. ATV Music Publishing. Solero.
Translation: I'm never coming back to these chains, chains, shackles and chains. Sony. ATV Music Publishing. English. 0-7579-0090-9. Plan.
Translation: Come back tomorrow night and try it again. Sony. ATV Music Publishing. English. 0-7579-1252-4. Solero. Plan.
Translation: Solero. Guitar Tab. Vocal.
Translation: Heartbreaker, you got the best of me, but I just keep on coming back incessantly. Mariah Carey. EMI Music Publishing.
Translation: The chills that you spill up my back keep me filled with satisfaction when we're done, satisfaction of what's to come.
Translation: Doctor Who. Sheet Music. Piano Solo. PF. So here's you chance.