Translation: Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method - Books 1 . This is the guitar method students and teachers have been waiting for.
Translation: 200 Songs Authentically Transcribed for Guitar in Notes . Guitar chord diagrams, vocal melody and guitar tablature.
Translation: Keyboard, C Instruments, Melody. Pop, Standards, Rock, Broadway and Movies. Vocal melody, lyrics and chord names.
Translation: For Guitar, Piano, C Instruments, Keyboard. Standards and Pop. Difficulty. Standards and Pop. 6x9 inches.
Translation: Ain't No Sunshine. Back on the Chain Gang. Get It On. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.
Translation: Standards, Vocal Standards and Pop. Difficulty. With lyrics, chord names and vocal melody.
Translation: Autumn in New York. Beauty and the Beast. Body and Soul. Change the World. Friends in Low Places.
Translation: For Guitar, Piano, C Instruments, Keyboard. Vocal melody, lyrics and chord names.
Translation: Now you can quickly locate, view and print the great works of the classical repertoire.