Translation: Byrd Like. Up Jumped Spring. Falling Grace. Falling in Love With Love. Like Someone In Love.
Translation: Feels So Good. Speak Like A Child. Let's Fall In Love. Like Sonny. Simple Like. Like Young.
Translation: I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free. Up Jumped Spring. Falling Grace. Falling in Love With Love.
Translation: These 5.5 x 8.5 little books pack a big jazz punch. I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free.
Translation: These 5.5 x 8.5 little books pack a big jazz punch. Jump, Jive An' Wail. Let's Fall In Love.
Translation: Let's Fall In Love. Like Sonny. Simple Like. Like Young. A Wonderful Day Like Today.
Translation: Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall. Jump For Joy. Up Jumped Spring. Feeling Good. Various.
Translation: Almost Like Being In Love. Jump For Joy. Up Jumped Spring. Feeling Good. I'll Never Fall In Love Again.
Translation: Can you feel the love tonight. Catch A Falling Star. Falling In Love Again. Feeling Good.
Translation: One O'Clock Jump. Almost Like Being In Love. I Feel Pretty. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Like A Lover.
Translation: Let's Fall In Love. Simple Like. A Wonderful Day Like Today. Speak Like A Child. Like Young. Various.
Translation: Feel Like Makin' Love. Mambo No. 5. Moonlight Feels Right. Cuts Like A Knife. Cry Like A Baby.
Translation: Like Someone In Love. Up Jumped Spring. When I Fall in Love. I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free.
Translation: Falling Grace. Falling in Love With Love. Like Someone In Love. Up Jumped Spring. When I Fall in Love.
Translation: Exactly Like You. Falling in Love With Love. Feelings. Just Like the Girl that Married Dear Old Dad.
Translation: I Can Love You Like That. Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall. Oh, Oh I'm Falling In Love Again.
Translation: Up Jumped Spring. Falling Grace. Falling in Love With Love. Like Someone In Love. When I Fall in Love.