Translation: Gladys Knight .
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. For piano, voice, and guitar. chords only. 4 pages. Published by Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music.
Translation: English. 0-7579-8194-1. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Plan. Chords.
Translation: Soul. GTRCHD. 2 pages. Published by Hal Leonard - Digital Sheet Music. HX.118233. Just purchase, print and play.
Translation: Gladys Knight . Piano sheet music. Midnight Train To Georgia by Gladys Knight . For piano, voice, and guitar. Soul. 3 pages.
Translation: 0-7579-0326-6. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords. L. A. proved too much for man, so he's leavin' the life he's come to know.