Translation: JesusSaviorPilotMe.
Translation: "Jesus, Let me Understand" for Voice. "Jesus, Let me Understand" for Voice.
Translation: Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross. Ensemble for Piano, Organ and Choir. Magatagan, Mike.
Translation: Magatagan, Mike.
Translation: Heart and Mouth and Deed and Life, BWV 147. Good for me that I have Jesus. Choir.
Translation: Heart and Mouth and Deed and Life, BWV 147. Good for me that I have Jesus. Choir. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: When the Savior Jesus Christ and Joseph Good, listen to me. Book of carols.
Translation: Aria - Dear Jesus stayed with me. Abide with us, Lord Jesus Christ, GWV 1129. Graupner, Christoph.
Translation: Air. "Give me back my Jesus". For Piano only. Selections. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Tender Jesus was near me, GWV 1112.
Translation: "Give me my Jesus Again. "Give me my Jesus Again. Magatagan, Mike.