Translation: Organ parts for the Magnificat.
Translation: Bass trumpet. and above cone. Organ parts for the Magnificat. Organ Scores.
Translation: Bass Trumpet. Organ parts for the Magnificat. Following the 2nd tone.
Translation: Bass trumpet. Organ parts for the Magnificat. Following the 2nd tone.
Translation: Bass Trumpet. Organ parts for the Magnificat. Following the first tone.
Translation: Bass trumpet. Organ parts for the Magnificat. Following the first tone.
Translation: Council, Jean. A good talk.
Translation: Council, Jean. The day Aultre play aloie me.
Translation: Entry Polimnie.
Translation: Barrier, Jean-Baptiste. Sonata in Amajor. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Barrier, Jean-Baptiste. Sonata in Amajor. No.2. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Cello .
Translation: Albanian. Passacaglia. Arrangements and Transcriptions.