Translation: 124. Paris Concert (part 1) by Keith Jarrett, Arr. Gustavo Lonegro , , , .
Translation: 125. Paris Concert (part 1) by Keith Jarrett, Arr. Gustavo Lonegro , , , .
Translation: 44. guitar music by stephyj, Arr. Stephanie Jarrett , , , .
Translation: 96. Auburn by MIKE JARRETT Occasional, Modern Classical, mixed ensemble, 3 minutes, .
Translation: 140. The Waltzer by MIKE JARRETT Occasional, Other, duet (of the same instrument), 3 minutes, .
Translation: 200. Pixicato by MIKE JARRETT Occasional, Other, choir (with or without keyboard), 2 minutes, .
Translation: 401. Opus 18 .A Christmas song by MIKE JARRETT Occasional, Modern Classical, piano trio, 3 minutes, .
Translation: 145. Opus 15 Dance for Mary by MIKE JARRETT Occasional, Modern Classical, mixed ensemble, 3 minutes, .