Translation: Main sheet music.
Translation: J. Bodewalt Lamp. Plan.
Translation: For Piano, Violin. Violin. String. 8 pages. G. Schirmer #ST31261.
Translation: J. Bodewalt Lamp. Sheet Music by Albert Gumble. Albert Gumble , Jay Whidden , Con Conrad. Ziegfeld Follies of 1912. Solero. Plan.
Translation: Violin sheet music. Violin Method. For Violin. String Method.
Translation: Violin sheet music. Violin Method. Violin. String Method. Studies and Technique. Violin solo book and instructional book.
Translation: Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate. Piano Solo. Composed by Various. For Piano.
Translation: Do you dance the Fox-Trot. J'ai perdu la lumiere. J'ai perdu ma gigolette. J'suis bete. Voice sheet music.
Translation: J'adore ca. J'ai eu tort. J'aime. J'en ai marre. J'hesite. J'suis nature. Voice sheet music.
Translation: Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Voice and Piano. For Piano, Vocal. Vocal Collection. 528 pages.
Translation: Trot. The Renaissance Recorder Player's Tune Book - Soprano arranged by Deborah Greenblatt. Recorder Solo. For soprano recorder.
Translation: Trot. The Renaissance Recorder Player's Tune Book - Alto arranged by Deborah Greenblatt. Recorder Solo. For alto recorder. Tune book.