Translation: A setting of words by John Morison for SATB, unaccompanied.
Translation: Painful reverie in a pine wood. The nightingale distraught.
Translation: The Paiute place-names in the text fix it in the lonely lands north of the Grand Canyon. SATB.
Translation: Only instrument plan.
Translation: View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. GTRCHD. 2 pages.
Translation: Choir sheet music. 1932-. For Choral. SATB. National. Emerson Fred Bock. 6 pages. Hal Leonard.
Translation: Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. Piano Solo sheet music. For piano. Sheet Music. FJH Written For You Piano Solos. Elementary.
Translation: Solero. Autoharp. Vocal. True love, don't lie to me, tell me where did you sleep last night.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Piccolo with Piano Solo - Grade 3. Composed by Clair W. Johnson. For Small. Rubank Solo. Ensemble Sheet. Grade 3. 12 pages.
Translation: For marching band. Quickstep. Published by Bourne Music. IM.19620.