Translation: Abide with Me. He Hideth My Soul. Open My Eyes, That I May See. Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart.
Translation: The Lord Is In His Holy Temple.
Translation: Scriptural texts and adaptations in hymns. The Lord Is In His Holy Temple. Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme.
Translation: Tell Me The Old, Old Story. O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus.
Translation: Hail, O Once Rejected Jesus. Holy Father, In Your Mercy. I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus.
Translation: I Know That My Redeemer Lives. Jesus Shall Reign. King Of Love My Shepherd Is. My Song is Love Unknown.
Translation: Presented in chord songbook format, this book includes complete lyrics and guitar chords for over 140 memorable classics.
Translation: Brook. Mass in B Minor. Magnificat in D. Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227. Come, Jesus, come.
Translation: And Did My Savior Bleed. Be Thou My Vision. Canon in D. Go to Dark Gethsemane. In the Garden.
Translation: Open My Eyes, That I May See. Steal Away To Jesus. I Want Jesus to Walk with Me.
Translation: Just Over In The Gloryland. Jesus Paid It All. He Leadeth Me. I Must Tell Jesus. He Touched Me.