Translation: Original text and translations may be found at Le lagrime di San Pietro.
Translation: and Ave Maria. As Raggio Di Sol. Il Mio Bel Foco. Apra il sou verde seno. Gia Il Sole From the Ganges.
Translation: Lucia di Lammermoor. MARIA DI ROHAN. MARIA STUARDA. Gaetano Donizetti. Soprano Voice sheet music.
Translation: Alzira, Act II, Part 1 - Non di codarde larime. , Act IV - Angiol di Dio, custode mio. Il ciel. Il Re.
Translation: Queens and Rivals. Ah, when ara scorgemi from Mary Queen of Scots. descend from Heaven a ray from Mary Queen of Scots.
Translation: Chor und Ensemblemusik. Gioachino Rossini. Choir sheet music. Choral and ensemble music composed by Gioachino Rossini. 1792-1868.