Translation: Your Musici, fresh on. Lustgarten New Teutscher Gesäng, balletti, Galliards and Intraden. Hassler, Hans Leo.
Translation: Your Musici, fresh on. Lustgarten New Teutscher Gesäng, balletti, Galliards and Intraden. Scores and Parts. Hassler, Hans Leo.
Translation: Your Musici, fresh on.
Translation: Come ye shepherds. 1st in C. 1st in Eb.
Translation: Buxtehude Dieterich. Main sheet music. BuxWV 4. Buxtehude Dieterich. String orchestra. Martin Straeten Copyright. " onMouseOut"UnTip.
Translation: Christmas music for string quartet. Come ye shepherds. Violet. Cello.
Translation: Christmas music for string quartet. Violet. Cello.
Translation: I will not leave thee, except thou bless me, BWV Anh. 159. 1713 in Weimar.
Translation: Organ solo.