Translation: SATB. No IV from First Booke of Songs or Ayres. 1597.
Translation: If My Complaints Could Passions Move composed by John Dowland. 1563-1626. Early Intermediate.
Translation: John Dowland. String quartet. Jordi Vives i Batlle. Harpsichord. Violet. Violin I. Violin II. Cello.
Translation: The Baroque Recorder arranged by Paul Wade. For Recorder. Fentone Instrumental Books. 36 pages. Fentone Music #F872. HL.44005095.
Translation: If My Complaints Could Passions Move. Burst Forth, My Tears. Would My Conceit.
Translation: If My Complaints Could Passions Move. Burst Forth, My Tears. I Saw My Lady Weep.
Translation: If My Complaints Could Passions Move. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. For Piano, Recorder.
Translation: If My Complaints Could Passions Move and Semper Dowland, semper dolens. Score, Set of Parts.