Translation: These titles are intended to be played along with piano or organ. The melody and descant are included on each title.
Translation: Primer Level piece for the Hymn Playing Event with the National Federation of Music Clubs.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics and chord names. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Abide with Me.
Translation: Piece for the Hymn Playing event with the National Federation of Music Clubs. I Am Resolved.
Translation: With standard notation, solo part and harmony part. Here's a new series useful to fill plenty of solo and ensemble needs.
Translation: Do You Know My Jesus. Ev'ry Moment Of Ev'ry Day. Fill Me With Thy Spirit. For I Shall See Him.
Translation: Blest Be The Tie That Binds. The Church's One Foundation. Crown Him With Many Crowns. Faith Of Our Fathers.
Translation: chord arrangements of 96 Neil Diamond classics, including Cracklin' Rosie, I'm a Believer, Sweet Caroline and more.
Translation: Psalms for the Church Year, Volume VI composed by The Dameans. Reprintable refrains for the assembly included.
Translation: Songs include Crazy, The Gambler, Your Cheatin' Heart and many more. I Can Love You Like That.
Translation: Blest Be the Tie. Love Divine. O Worship the King. Section I - Key of C. Abide With Me.
Translation: An outstanding collection of 120 timeless gospel classics, all in one convenient paperback. The Love of God.
Translation: With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams and strum and pick patterns.
Translation: There is a wide selection of hymns in this book, including traditional Hymns of Praise, Thanksgiving, Easter, and Lent.
Translation: This first book of solos includes favorite folk songs, classical arrangements, hymns, Christmas carols and patriotic songs.
Translation: This big book of pre-reading solos includes favorite folk songs, classical arrangements, hymns, Christmas carols and patriotic songs.
Translation: Along The Road. Beyond The Sunset. Blest Be The Tie That Binds. Bring Back The Springtime.