Translation: The key word in this title is "danced. " And what says "dance" more than "disco. Choir sheet music.
Translation: "I fell in love with this song after seeing the movie "Mama Mia" and thought it would be. from Mamma Mia. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: I have a dream, a song to sing to help me cope with anything. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. Ab3 Db5. MN0042400.
Translation: I have a dream, a song to sing to help me cope with anything. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. F3-Bb4. MN0042400_D3.
Translation: I have a dream, a song to sing to help me cope with anything. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. A3-D5. MN0042400_U1.
Translation: I have a dream, a song to sing to help me cope with anything. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. Bb3-Eb5. MN0042400_U2.
Translation: I have a dream, a song to sing to help me cope with anything. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. C4-F5. MN0042400_U4.
Translation: I have a dream, a song to sing to help me cope with anything. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. E3-A4. MN0042400_D4.
Translation: I have a dream, a song to sing to help me cope with anything. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. D4-G5. MN0042400_U6.
Translation: I have a dream, a song to sing to help me cope with anything. Plan. Guitar. Voice, range. G3-C5. MN0042400_D1.