Translation: Notes Bryan Adams. Piano.
Translation: I fin'lly found the one who knocks me off my feet. from The Mirror Has Two Faces. Leadsheet. Lyrics. Melody. Chords. Bb3-A5.
Translation: I fin'lly found someone that knocks me off of my feet. Easy Piano. From the Motion Picture The Mirror Has Two Faces.
Translation: Barbra and Bryan Adams Streisand. Barbra Streisand.
Translation: Expensive. Piano, Vocal. Expensive.
Translation: Plan. Barbra and Bryan Adams Streisand.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Right-Hand Melody. Barbra and Bryan Adams Streisand. Barbra Streisand. Bryan Adams. --.
Translation: I finally found someone that knocks me off of my feet This is it. ATV Music Publishing. Plan.
Translation: Expensive. Plan.