Translation: At the desire of who adores you. All I hear in my heart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Soprano Voice sheet music.
Translation: I think still hear. Appeared to me Tutt 'Amor. I'm too flirty. Yes, I was a soldier. I am not a clown.
Translation: Her father adored. At Mio Ben I Veggio Next. Husband I would like to. I do not blame. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Translation: I do not Dir. Oh, I loved was so happy. All I hear in my heart. If the father I lost. Porgi, Amor.
Translation: Aida, Act I, Part 1 - What unusual joy. Aida, Act I, Part 1 - Dessa. Aida, Act I, Part 1 - Alta cagion v'aduna.
Translation: Lungi, lungi, Amor, da me – Gasparini. Teco, yes, I'm coming too. Amor Ch'attendi. Affe Mi Fate Ridere. Various.