Translation: Manookian, Jeff.
Translation: 77 with alleluias or 74. Arrangement also makes use of the theme another Easter hymn "He Is Risen". Plan. Language. English.
Translation: Francisco Lopez Chapels. Latin.
Translation: English. SATB.
Translation: A setting to original music of the first three stanzas of the Advent hymn text "Conditor alme siderum". Conditor least siderum. L.M.
Translation: English. SATB Descant.
Translation: A quiet two-fold Alleluia follows each verse. Let Zion's bridal-room be clothed. Charles H. Giffen. 88. 88. L.M.
Translation: SATB.
Translation: Ralph Vaughan Williams , based on a traditional German melody.
Translation: Let us rejoice.
Translation: Praise be to God.
Translation: Language. English. SATB.