Translation: composed by Karen Keene. Advent, Praise. Thanksgiving.
Translation: Organ Chorale Prelude on Hyfrydol. Organ Chorale Prelude on Hyfrydol. For Organ. HYFRYDOL.
Translation: Large mixed together. Brendan Elliget. Alto Saxophone. Bass Guitar. Cello.
Translation: Organ. Choir sheet music. National. Emerson Fred Bock. 10 pages. Hal Leonard #NMCH097. Published by Hal Leonard.
Translation: Concertato on Hyfrydol and the Ash Grove arranged by Michael Bogdan. Choir sheet music. Horn sheet music. Violin sheet music.
Translation: For Organ and Opt. Handbells. Hal H. Hopson. Choir sheet music. Handbell sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Choir Sacred.
Translation: composed by Samuel Metzger. Advent, Praise. Thanksgiving.
Translation: Advanced. 21st Century, Christmas, Easter. Advanced Intermediate. Score. Published by RobertSWallace2. S0.30357.
Translation: Advanced. 21st Century, Sacred, Christmas, Easter. Advanced. Published by RobertSWallace2. S0.30355.
Translation: For 3-5 octave handbells and organ. Introductions and Hymn Accompaniments for Handbells, Organ, and Congregation. Level 2.
Translation: for Brass, TImpani and Organ by Warren Wernick. Organ, Pedals. Sing to Jesus. Brass quartet. Warren Wernick. Euphonium.
Translation: Prelude on "Hyfrydol" arranged by Janet Linker and Jane McFadden. Percussion sheet music. Handbell Choir Music. Sacred.
Translation: For SATB choir, Pipe organ. Intermediate. General. Medium. Published by Laurendale Associates. MN.PO-1032.
Translation: Advanced. 1951-. General. Moderately Difficult. Published by Concordia Publishing House. CR.97-5940U1.
Translation: Meditation and Toccata on Hyfrydol composed by Rowland Hugh Prichard. Arranged by J. Christopher Pardini. Medium. Difficult.
Translation: Diane Bish's new setting of the much-loved Welsh hymn tune “Hyfrydol” is a welcome addition to the organist's library. 16 pages.