Translation: English. Movement 3 of 3, see also The Lord bless thee and keep thee and Peace I Leave With You.
Translation: O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name, SWV 343.
Translation: Movement 1 of 3, see also Peace I Leave With You and How Excellent is Thy Name in all the Earth.
Translation: Other titles include The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee and How Excellent is Thy Name.
Translation: Piano, Vocal. Right-Hand Melody.
Translation: Larnelle Harris. Hal Leonard. Legacy. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Translation: Vision , Richard Smallwood. BMG Music Publishing. English. 0-7579-8175-5. Solero. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Singer Pro. Voice, range. G3-G5. Backup Vocals. 10.
Translation: We Shall Behold Him , in addition to six other gospel standards, including How Great Thou Art, My Tribute, Victory in Jesus and more.