Translation: 2nd Horn in F. 2nd Trombone. 2nd Trumpet in Bb. 3rd B Clarinet. 3rd Horn in F.
Translation: Horn 1, 2. Trumpet 1, 2. Cellos and Basses. Symphony No.3. D.200.
Translation: Horn 1. Horn 2. Fagotto2. Main sheet music. Clarinetto1. Fagotto1.
Translation: Horn 1, 2. Trumpet 1, 2. Cellos and Basses. Symphony No. 4 in Bb Major.
Translation: Bassoon 1, 2. Horn 1, 2. Trumpet 1, 2. Cellos and Basses. Symphony No.1 in C Major. Op. 21.
Translation: Violin 2. Wolfgang A. Mozart. Large mixed together. Glynn Davies. Cello.
Translation: Part 2 in Bb. Part 2 in C. Part 2 in Eb. Part 3 Horn in F. Part 4 Bass in Bb. Part 4 Bass in C.