Translation: Hooray For Hollywood - 3-Part Mixed composed by Richard A. Whiting and Johnny Mercer. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music.
Translation: Set the stage for a movie themed concert with this flashy arrangement that pays homage to the golden days of Hollywood. SAB.
Translation: Set the stage for a movie themed concert with this flashy arrangement that pays homage to the golden days of Hollywood.
Translation: Hooray for Hollywood. That screwy ballyhooey Hollywood. Alfred Publishing Co.. Lead Sheet. Solero. English.
Translation: Johnny Mercer. Voice sheet music. A Cappella sheet music. Advanced. Arranged by Joni Bescos. Female barbershop choir. Barbershop, Uptune.
Translation: Hooray For Hollywood - SATB composed by Richard A. Whiting and Johnny Mercer. Richard A. Whiting. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Piano, Vocal.
Translation: Doris Day. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. chords only. TV. Pop. Standards.
Translation: Hooray for Hollywood. That screwy ballyhooey Hollywood. Alfred Publishing Co.. English. Solero. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: Richard A. Whiting. Alfred Publishing Co.. English. Late Intermediate. 0-7579-0351-7. Solero. Easy Piano.
Translation: That screwy ballyhooey Hollywood, where any office boy or young mechanic can be a panic, with just a good looking pan. Plan. Guitar.